
  1. Read the article regarding seizures. Consider what Thom may have been going through when he felt his seizures coming and what he thought triggered his. Do you think what Thom did is effective on preventing a seizure from occurring? Do you think what was happening to Thom right before the seizure a plausible trigger? Or do you think his seizure is a direct result of his power?

  2. Follow the link on discrimination and determine, based on the site’s descriptions, where discrimination occurs in the story. Write a brief essay covering one of the topics mentioned on the website.

  3. Read the article about what teenagers face by being gay. Consider how Thom feels. Why does he feel that he has to keep it a secret based on what was said in the article? Use the article to explain how you feel by what others experience.

  4. Read the article regarding hate crimes and more specifically 'What is the emotional damage' and 'Why do people commit hate crimes'. Where do hate crimes happen in Hero? What was the emotional damage for these individuals?

  5. The article about Understanding Heroism (as prepared by Dr. Philip Zimbardo) says: 
Heroes are people who transform compassion (a personal virtue) into heroic action (a civic virtue). In doing so, they put their best selves forward in service to humanity. The Heroic Imagination Project defines a hero as an individual or a network of people that take action on behalf of others in need, or in defense of integrity or a moral cause.
What actions does Thom have that make him a hero based on this theory? Be sure to reference the text to further prove your point. 

For addition reader response questions, please visit Perry Moore's website.