Book Summary

Thom Creed is a basketball player living a seemingly normal life as a teenager. Aside from the fact his father, Hal, was once one of the most well known super heroes. Until the day Hal was terminated from the League and forced to ignore the discrimination he faced ever since the Wilson Town incident. Thom isn’t sure what happened only that now there is no more talk about super heroes allowed in the house. But Hal isn’t the only one good at keeping secrets. Thom has secrets of his own. 

Secret number one: he has super powers. Secret number two: he’s been asked to try out for the League. Secret number three: Thom Creed is gay. The once everyday normal life of Thom Creed has become one that forces on secrets but has also encouraged him to seek self discovery. He discovers that his super powers often trigger seizures especially when he's unable to control it, that he has the ability to heal people, and that being a hero is all about caps and leather boots but being honest and true in the face of injustice. 

When his Coach no longer wants Thom on the basketball team claiming his seizures are a health hazard, Thom believes it's because of the fact he's gay. Other events throughout the story cause Thom to be the subject of hate crimes

Through Thom's struggles, he continues to try for the League and after being accepted as a super hero in training, he meets his new team, also in training. Ruth, an older woman with the ability to see the future but can be blunt yet inspiring with her wisdom; Typhoid Larry has the ability to inflict any illness on his victims but is also the most considerate; Scarlett can control fire and fly but has a stark attitude problem; and the misguided mentor, Golden Boy, has the power of agility and flight. 

After two murders of well known super heroes, the League and other super heroes are on high alert. Thom and his new found friends set out to solve the murders and uncover the truth about one of their super hero idols. But their lives become endanger the closer they get to solving the murders. 

This is a tale about facing the struggles of society. A tale about the truth of what would cause people to change for the good--and the bad. A tale about the discovery of the self, of desires, and love. And what it takes to be a true hero.