Extra Goodies

Perry Moore's Official Website:
Perry Moore

Novel Excerpt: 
Hero - Chapter One

Interviews with Perry Moore: 

Newsarama - Perry Moore: Looking at the Gay Hero Landscape
YALSA - Young Adult Library Service Association
Out - Holding Out For A Hero 
The Avocate - The Couple that Directs Together 

Article Regarding Hero, the movie: 

Oh No They Didn't! - Showtime Drops Gay Superhero Show

Video Clips
Human Rights Campaign - Take Action Against Hate Crimes  
Perry Moore and Stan Lee -  Regarding Hero

The HERO Campaign

Facebook Group - Join Here

Want to Become a Hero? 

 Check out Heroic Imagination Project (HIP) 
  • The site shows you ways to get involved wether through education or cooperation created by Dr. Philip Zimbardo, an American psychologist and a emeritus professor at Standford University
  • “Heroic imagination” is a mindset- a set of attitudes which begins with the desire to help others, and grows into the willingness to act on behalf of others, or in defense of integrity or a moral cause, at some risk and without expectation of gain.
  • Heroic action is:

    • Engaged in voluntarily;
    • Conducted in service to one or more people or the community as a whole;
    • Involves a risk to physical comfort, social stature, or quality of life; and
    • Initiated without the expectation of material gain.