
  1. For the artistic: Create a comic book strip where you (or a character of your creation) is the hero. 
    • What is your power? 
    • What about you makes you heroic? 
    • What about yourself do you struggle with/what is your fear?
    • How do you overcome your fear?
    • Be sure to create another character in which your hero helps in some way, you have to be a hero somehow!
  2. For the writer: Create a short story including similar themes mentioned above.  
  3. For the researcher: Write an essay about a well known hero, fictional (comic book) or historical figure.
    • What makes this individual heroic? 
      • What actions have they done/do
      • How do others perceive them? 
    • How are they like a character(s) from Perry Moore's Hero? Or how are the different
    • Use at least three credible outside resources (other than the novel, Hero)
  4. For the ambitious: Organize a community event/Volunteer 
    • Be sure the event addresses themes relating to the novel
      • Discrimination faced by Thom or Ruth and Jerome or even what Hal faced
      • Encouraging others to believe in themselves 
      • Aiding those less fortunate than ourselves 
    • Volunteer (must be related to the novel in some way) 
      • Consider places like:
        1. Make a Wish Foundation
        2. Heroic Imagination Project (HIP)
    • Write a short self evaluation of what you gained from the experience while referencing the novel